Our Long Term Sustainability Goals
Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Identification

We continue to commit to our stakeholder engagement activities as a key component of our business and sustainability strategies. By defining our stakeholders who have different influences on our business success and what matters most to them, we identify the material aspects, develop this year’s reporting framework and our long term sustainability strategy.
Aligning with the GRI materiality process, we engaged both internal and external stakeholders through a variety of interactions and conversations, so as to understand their expectations and to identify our major impacts. We believe these are the effective ways to achieve our sustainability goals.
Step 1: Identify and Group Stakeholders
Identify the people or organizations that can affect or be affected by our company and group them based on their roles, nature and interests.
Our Stakeholder Groups
  • Shareholders
  • Employees
  • Customers
  • Business Partners
  • Suppliers
  • Communities
  • Authorities
  • NGO & Institutions
Step 2: Determine Engagement Methods
Determine the most suitable methods to engage different groups.
Our Engagement Methods
Interviews, surveys, internal and external meetings, staff activities, CSR activities, CRM activities, seminars, workshops, industry events, sustainability reports, company website, and newsletters.
Step 3: Engage the Stakeholders
Involve the target stakeholders according to the selected engagement methodologies.
Important insights were collected in the Stakeholder Engagement Workshop held in 2018, which gathered representatives of NGOs, institutions and other leading companies.
Step 4: Assimilate Feedback and Summarize Material Aspects
The feedback from all stakeholders was consolidated to reflect the issues and concerns impacting our business. The most material aspects were identified after the prioritization process. Those aspects will shape our sustainable development strategies and plans.
Alliance Sustainability Ambitions 2030
Alliance Sustainability Ambitions 2030(ASA2030) was developed to respond to our stakeholders’ concerns, show our contribution to fulfill Hong Kong’s obligations under the Paris Agreement and The Sustainability Commitments 2030 initiated by our shareholder HeidelbergCement. The ASA2030 will guide everything we do for sustainability towards 2030.


Agenda for action between now to 2030
Supporting the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which comprised of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Hong Kong Government’s Climate Ready 2030, also the Sustainability Commitment 2030 initiated by our shareholder HeidelbergCement, the Alliance Sustainability Ambitions 2030 is an agenda for action between now and 2030 that enables us to realize our purpose of building a great, livable city through sustainable concrete and aggregates solutions. It guides the decisions we take, and monitor progress against our actions over the next 12 years.
ambitions 2030
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • HR development
  • Recruitment of Younger Talents
  • Employee Consultation and Engagement
  • Community Engagement
  • Our Impacts
  • CSR and Community Development
  • Waste Management and Reduction
  • Energy Management and Carbon Reduction
  • Raw Materials Supply and Consumption
  • Products and Services Development
  • Upgrading of Workplace Standards
  • Enhancement of Productivity and Efficiency
  • Reuse and Recycling Practices
  • Sustainability Risks & Opportunities Management
  • Legal Compliance
  • Business Ethics & Behavior
Structure of ASA2030

To ensure sustainability is embedded fully into the business, we integrated the sustainability risk and opportunity management approach in our corporate governance framework; together with core elements of legal compliance and ethical business behavior, this becomes the solid foundation underpinning the ASA2030, also guiding our very actions for the attainment of our sustainability goals.

Resulting from the stakeholder engagement, in which our stakeholders let us know their major concerns and their suggestions to our sustainable growth, and the subsequent materiality assessment, we organized the material aspects into four pillars of PEOPLE, COMMUNITY, RESOURCES and INNOVATION.

With the framework of the ASA2030, we’ll assess the material aspects and determine plans and actions for addressing these material aspects for each pillar during each stakeholder engagement and reporting cycle. This arrangement enables us to be more strategic and focused when determining our sustainability goals and actions; while it also allows ourselves and our stakeholders to keep track of our progress in attaining the sustainability ambitions through to 2030.


We aim to operate beyond legal compliance and be transparent with all our stakeholders.

UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Comply with the requirements of legislation, international human rights, ethical business behavior, anti-corruption and responsible employment through internal control and risk management systems.
  • Meet ethical procurement standards through supplier screening and evaluation process.
  • Ensure employees’ legal compliance and ethical behavior through training and communications.
We are committed to protect the rights of our employees, contractors and the public; and that human resources development is a key to our sustainable growth.

UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Maintain zero fatality and to achieve zero injury for employees, sub-contractors and anyone who may be affected by our operations.
  • Enhance health & safety culture via internal HSE leadership programs and systematic HSE climate survey.
  • Ensure the company is staffed with most qualified people and offer equal training and development opportunities to employees.
  • Create a decent workplace and environment to facilitate talent recruitment.
We support local community development and, are committed to all the good neighbor practices.

UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Communicate and engage the communities where we operate through strategic CSR and engagement planning.
  • Maintain open and transparent communications with the communities and other stakeholders.
  • Meet all related environmental standards and pollution control requirements using innovative and stringent measures on our sites to avoid negative impact on our neighbors.
We are committed to minimizing the negative impacts to the environment, conserve natural resources, and aim to enable the Circular Economy.

UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Maintain a downward trend of our carbon footprint and waste volume.
  • Introduce innovative renewable energy to our operations.
  • Increase the application of recycled materials in our products.
  • Advocate carbon reduction, energy saving, and recycling practices throughout the supply chain.
We’ll drive the continual improvement of everything we do by innovative means and the application of advanced technologies.

UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Upgrade our workplace and other operational standards using innovative technologies, re-design of jobs and/or work processes.
  • Develop new aggregate and concrete products and solutions with “Green” and sustainable performances to support Green Building and sustainable construction.